Helps for working with the online whiteboard


Geoma — is a collaborative whiteboard with advanced features for drawing geometric shapes, image inserts, video calls, chat, and other convenient features for teaching online. Suitable for teachers of mathematics, algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry and computer science.

Drawing on the board is done using the tools located at the bottom of the board.

My boards

This section displays all the boards available to you.

If you have registered as a teacher, you can create an unlimited number of whiteboards and share them with other Geoma users.

Board settings

Click on the button at the top of the screen to customize your board.

Enter a name for the board to navigate through the learning spaces you've created.

You can enable or disable the grid on the board, change its size, set the background and grid colors, turn on pagination, and set the binding of added elements to the grid.

Here you can clear the board by deleting all the added elements from it.

You can move the board with the mouse wheel — vertically, or with the Alt key pressed — horizontally.

In addition, you can move the board with the right mouse button.

By holding down the Ctrl key, you can zoom in or out on the board.

Tool "Handle"

You can use the Hand tool to move around the board and also to move elements located on the board.

If you need to change the settings of a piece that already exists on the whiteboard, double-click it.

Using the right mouse button, you can move around the board by selecting any of the tools.

Tool "Selection"

Use the Selection tool to manage multiple drawn shapes at once.

Select one or more figures that are placed on the board. In the context menu that appears, select an action:

Delete — removes all selected items from the board.

Copy — copies all selected elements for later pasting to another place on the board.

Save to Library — saves a group of selected items to a library for reuse on this or any other board.

Merge into Group — combines the selected elements into a group. Once merged, the group will be dragged across the board as a single object.

Scale — proportionally enlarges or reduces all selected elements.

Tool "Pen"

With a virtual pencil, you can draw on your online whiteboard just like you do on paper or a real whiteboard.

Select a tool on the toolbar, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse like a pencil.

In the tool settings, you can adjust the color and thickness of the pencil.

Tool "Line"

The Line tool lets you draw straight lines on your whiteboard.

Select the tool and click the mouse cursor in the place where you want to start the line. Tap again at the point where the line should end.

For the Line tool, you can adjust the color, the thickness of the line, make it dotted, draw an arrow at the end of the line, and also snap the line to the grid when you need an accurate construction by cells.

Tool "Rectangle"

The Rectangle tool lets you draw rectangles and squares on your whiteboard.

Select the tool and click the mouse cursor in the place where the upper-left corner of the shape should be. Move the mouse to the place where the lower-right corner of the shape will be, and release the mouse button. Hold down the Shift key to draw a square.

For the Rectangle tool, you can set the line color, fill color, line thickness, and snap the shape corners to the grid when you need to accurately plot the cells.

Tool "Polygon"

The Polygon tool lets you draw any polygons on your whiteboard.

The polygon is constructed using points. Select the tool and click on the whiteboard in the places where the corners of your polygon should be. To finish building, close the shape by clicking on the same point where you started.

For the Polygon tool, you can set the line color, fill color, line thickness, and snap the shape corners to the grid when you need to accurately plot the cells.

In polygon edit mode, you can modify an existing shape by dragging its vertices to a different location.

Tool "Ellipse"

The Ellipse tool lets you draw ellipses, circles, and circles on your whiteboard.

Select the tool and click the mouse cursor in the place where the upper-left corner of the shape should be. Move the mouse to the place where the lower-right corner of the shape will be, and release the mouse button. Hold down the Shift key to draw a circle or circle.

For the Ellipse tool, you can set the line color, fill color, line thickness, and snap the shape corners to the grid when you need to accurately plot the cells.

Tool "Compass"

The Compass tool allows you to draw circles and circles starting from the center, similar to a real compass.

Select the tool and click where the center of the circle should be. Move the mouse a distance equal to the radius of the desired shape in any convenient direction and release the mouse button.

For the Compass tool, you can set the line color, fill color, line thickness, and snap the center of the shape to the grid when you need to accurately plot the cells.

Tool "Text"

The Text tool lets you insert any text on your whiteboard.

Select the tool and click where you want to start typing. Enter text or paste it from the clipboard.

The typed text is shown to the participants of the board in real time.

To save the entered text on the board, press , for cancel — .

For the Text tool, you can adjust the font color and size.

Tool "Formula"

The Formula tool allows you to insert mathematical formulas and special symbols on the board.

Select the tool and click where you want to insert the formula.

To enter a formula, use the virtual keyboard or MathML or Latex syntax.

The typed formula is shown to board participants in real time. To save the formula and continue working with other tools, click .

The virtual keyboard consists of several panels containing different character sets.

Some keyboard buttons contain not only the main character, but also an additional one, accessible by pressing Shift.

For some buttons, a context menu is available that contains additional options for displaying the symbol.

The context menu is available by right-clicking on computers, or by long pressing on touch devices.

All formulas inserted on the board are automatically saved in the library.

For the Formula tool, you can adjust the font color and size.

When working with the Formula tool, you can use the following shortcut keys to quickly enter mathematical symbols:

Mathematical symbols
/ \frac{\char"2B1A}{\char"2B1A}
Alt + V Ctrl + 2 sqrt \sqrt{\char"2B1A}
Alt + P \pi
Alt + O \emptyset
Shift + Alt + O \varnothing
Shift + Alt + D del \partial
Alt + 5 oo Infty \infty
forall AA \forall
exists EE \exists
!exists !EE \nexists
diamond \diamond
square \square
nabla grad \nabla
!= \ne
>= gt= \ge
<= lt= \le
<< \ll
>> \gg
~~ \approx
-= \equiv
~= \cong
lt <
gt >
-lt \prec
prop \propto
* \cdot
** *
&& and \land
or \lor
xin x \in
in \in
!in \notin
xx \times
+- \pm
o. (.) \odot
o+ (+) \oplus
(/) \oslash
ox (x) \otimes
(-) \ominus
@ \circ
divide \div
^^ \wedge
^^^ \bigwedge
vv \vee
vvv \bigvee
nn \cap
nnn \bigcap
uu \cup
uuu \bigcup
sub \subset
sup \supset
sube \subseteq
supe \supseteq
not \neg
iff \iff
-> rarr \to
=> rArr \Rightarrow
<- larr \leftarrow
<= lArr \Leftarrow
<=> hArr \Leftrightarrow
<-> harr \leftrightarrow
uarr \uparrow
darr \downarrow
|-- \vdash
|== \models
'' ^{\doubleprime}
sum \sum_{\char"2B1A}^{\char"2B1A}
int \int_{\char"2B1A}^{\char"2B1A}
Shift + Alt + P \prod_{i=\char"2B1A}^{\char"2B1A}
Greek alphabet
alpha \alpha
beta \beta
gamma \gamma
Gamma \Gamma
delta \delta
Delta \Delta
epsilon \epsilon
varepsilon \varepsilon
zeta \zeta
eta \eta
theta \theta
vartheta \vartheta
Theta \Theta
iota \iota
kappa \kappa
lambda \lambda
Lambda \Lambda
mu \mu
nu \nu
xi \xi
Xi \Xi
pi \pi
Pi \Pi
rho \rho
sigma \sigma
Sigma \Sigma
tau \tau
upsilon \upsilon
phi \phi
varphi \varphi
Phi \Phi
chi \chi
psi \psi
Psi \Psi
omega \omega
Omega \Omega

Tool "Image"

The Image tool lets you insert images, photos, or screenshots on your whiteboard.

When you select a tool, you will be prompted to select a file on your device. To paste an image from the clipboard, press Ctrl+V.

After selecting a file, you can crop the image before pasting it on the board.

Here you can also automatically save the image to the library for reuse on this or any other board, as well as the ability to attach the inserted image to the grid and fix it on the board, to prevent accidental deletion or movement.

Tool "Eraser"

The Eraser tool lets you delete shapes drawn on the whiteboard like a real eraser.

Select the tool and click in the places where you want to erase the whiteboard content.

You can adjust the size of the Eraser tool.

Tool "Graph"

The "Functions Graph" tool allows you to plot functions on your board.

Select the tool and click on the board where you want to set the coordinate plane.

Press the button to add a function graph to the plane.

The function can be composed using the following expressions:

+ - / * — ordinary arithmetic functions

( ) — parentheses for operator precedence

-3 2 0 1.343 — any rational numbers

E() — The Euler or Napier number, the base of natural logarithms, is approximately equal to 2.718.

PI() — The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is approximately 3.14159

abs(x) — the absolute value of the number.

acos(x) — arc cosine of the number.

acosh(x) — hyperbolic inverse cosine of a number.

asin(x) — arcsine of the number.

asinh(x) — hyperbolic arcsine of a number.

atan(x) — arc tangent of a number.

atanh(x) — hyperbolic arc tangent of a number.

cbrt(x) — cube root of a number.

root(x,n) — nth root of x

cos(x) — cosine of a number.

cosh(x) — hyperbolic cosine of a number.

exp(x) — Ex, where x is the argument and E is the Euler number (2.718…), the base of the natural logarithm.

ln(x) — natural logarithm of a number.

log10(x) — decimal logarithm of a number.

log(x, n) — logarithm of a number to base n.

pow(x, n) or x^n — nth power of x

sin(x) — sine of a number.

sinh(x) — hyperbolic sine of a number.

sqrt(x) — the positive square root of a number.

tan(x) — tangent of a number.

tanh(x) — hyperbolic tangent of a number.

In the tool settings, you can set the minimum and maximum values of the axes, the size of a single segment, and the color of the grid.

The grid of the plane always coincides with the grid of the board itself.

By default, all coordinate grids inserted on the board are fixed on the board — they cannot be moved or erased. You can disable fixing in the tool settings at the bottom of the board.

Tools "Undo" and "Redo"

Use the and to undo or redo any action on the board.

Tools "Zoom in" and "Zoom out"

Use the and to zoom in or out on the board.

Student access to the board

The student gets access to the board at the moment of clicking on the link. The link to the board can be copied from the browser address bar or by clicking on the button on the "My Boards" page.

By default, the student can view and write on the whiteboard, but cannot edit the teacher's notes.

A student's access can be managed by going to their card, by clicking on the student's avatar on the right side of the board.

All actions taking place on the board will be broadcast to all participants in real time.

We do not limit you — you can connect any number of participants to your whiteboard.

Messenger: video calls and chat

You can stay in touch with your students using video calls for real-time communication or use chat.

Click on the button to open the messenger.

To start a video or audio call, press the button.

In the dialog box, select the camera and/or microphone that you will use during the call.

Using the and buttons, you can turn off the camera or microphone if you do not need them during a call.

To continue, press the .

Your students will be sent an audio and visual invitation to join the call. When a participant successfully joins the call, you will hear a tone.

The maximum number of participants in video and audio calls is 4.

Chat is located at the bottom of the messenger. With it, you can exchange text messages and files with all board members.


Click on the button to save a screenshot of the board in JPEG format.

Summary export

You can export the entire contents of your whiteboard to a single PDF file or to a ZIP archive with JPEG images.

The function is only available to the teacher who created the board.

To save the outline to your device, press the button, select the export period, desired format, page order — vertical or horizontal, and choose whether to include whiteboard blank pages in the outline.

Teacher library

The Teacher Library is your personal repository of materials that you can use on the Geoma board.

You can upload Microsoft Office, Open Office files (document, spreadsheet and presentation files), PDF, as well as images in popular formats (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WEBP, GIF, BMP) to the library.

To upload a file from your device, go to the library and press the button.

In addition, you can save any elements or groups of elements drawn on the board to reuse them on any of your boards in Geoma. Images, photos and screenshots, as well as formulas added to the board, are automatically saved to the library.

By default, a set of geometric primitives has already been added to your library — triangles, quadrangles, trapezoids, a circle, an ellipse, a cube, a parallelepiped, pyramids, prisms, cylinders, cones, a sphere.

The library has a folder system — you can build any hierarchy of the contents of the library — as you like.

To add a new folder to the library, press the button.

To rename a folder or file in your Library, hover over it and press the button.

To move and delete library items, use the and buttons respectively.


You can use hotkeys to quickly access tools and other board features.

1 — Handle

2 — Selection

3 — Pen

4 — Eraser

5 — Line

6 — Rectangle

7 — Polygon

8 — Ellipse

9 — Compass

0 — Text

Shift + F — Formula

Shift + G — Graph

Shift + I — Image

Ctrl + Z — Undo

Ctrl + Q — Redo

Ctrl + + — Zoom in

Ctrl + - — Zoom out


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